BMBF-Verbundprojekt KaWaTech Solutions

List of Specialized Publications of the KaWaTech Joint Project


Scientific Publications


2020 Walter, D., Trautwein, K., Duong Vu, H. T., Oberle, P., Nestmann, F. (2020). Gerechte Verteilung limitierter Wasserressourcen in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern. Wasserwirtschaft 10/2020, S. 16-23. 1
Oberle, P., Walter, D., Trautwein, K. und Nestmann, F. (2020). Sicheres Trinkwasser in Karstregionen, Umweltmagazin, BD.50 (2020) NR.3, VDI Fachmedien


Oberle, P., Stoffel, D., Walter, D., Kahles, G., Riester, K., Nestmann, F. (2018). Implementierung innovativer Wasserförder- und -verteilkonzepte in einer Gebirgsregion im Norden Vietnams. Wasserwirtschaft 4/2018, S. 31-37. 1

Hartmann, A., Luetscher, M., Wachter, R., Holz, P., Eiche, E., Neumann, T. (2018). Technical note: GUARD – an automated fluid sampler preventing sample alteration by contamination, evaporation and gas exchange, suitable for remote areas and harsh conditions. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 4281-4293.


Ender A, Göppert N, Goldscheider N (2018) Hydrogeological controls of variable microbial water quality in a complex subtropical karst system in Northern Vietnam. Hydrogeology Journal. Vol. 26 (7), S. 2297 – 2314.


Ender, A., Goeppert, N., Goldscheider, N. (2018). Spatial resolution of transport parameters in a subtropical karst conduit system during dry and wet seasons. Hydrogeology Journal. Vol. 26 (7), S. 2241 – 2255.



Zindler, B., Stolpe, H. (2017). Methodenhandbuch, FuEVerbundvorhaben KaWaTech, Teilprojekt 7. Fachlicher Schlussbericht  an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Institut für Umwelttechnik und Ökologie im Bauwesen. (Veröffentlichung in Planung, Bochumer Unviersitätsverlag).


Oberle, P., Stoffel, D., Walter, D., Breiner, R., Vogel, M., Müller, H. S., Nestmann, F. (2017). Innovative Technologien zur Wasserförderung und -verteilung in Gebirgsregionen. Bautechnik, Vol. 94, S. 514–525. doi:10.1002/bate.201700066

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Ender, A., Goeppert, N., Grimmeisen, F., Goldscheider, N. (2017). Evaluation of β-D-glucuronidase and particle-size distribution for microbiological water quality monitoring in Northern Vietnam. Sci Total Environ (2016),



Klingel, P.; Oberle, P. and Nestmann F. (2016): Innovative technologies for the sustainable water supply in a rural karst area of Vietnam. GWF Water Solutions, Ausgabe 2/2016, S. 38-43.


Oberle, P., Klingel, P., Nestmann, F. (2016). Development and Implementation of Karst Water Supply Technologies – The research and development project KaWaTech Vietnam. Asian Water, Ausgabe Juli/August 2016, S. 19-23.


Oberle, P., Stoffel, D., Fritz, J., Schmidt, S., Rösler, W., Nestmann, F. (2016). Development of sustainable water supply technologies by using pumps as turbines for the extension of existing hydro power plants. Tagungsband 3rd International Rotating Equipment Conference, Düsseldorf.

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Oberle P., Klingel P., Stoffel D., Kahles G., Van T.T., Chung H.T., Nestmann, F. (2015). Water supply in Karst areas, the example of the KaWaTech project, Ha Giang Province. Tagungsband International Symposium and Exhibition of Vietnam Water Cooperation Initiative, Water Security in a Changing Era, Hanoi, Vietnam.



Haist, M., Moffatt, J.S., Breiner, R., Müller, H.S. (2014). Entwicklungsprinzipien und technische Grenzen der Herstellung zementarmer Betone. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, Vol. 109, Nr. 3, 2014, S. 202-215.


Müller, H.S., Breiner, R., Moffatt, J., Haist, M. (2014). Design and properties of sustainable concrete. Procedia Engineering Vol. 95, 2014, S. 290-304.



Scientific Publications


2020 Oberle, P., Walter, D., Trautwein, K. und Nestmann, F. (2020). Sicheres Trinkwasser in Karstregionen, Umweltmagazin, BD.50 (2020) NR.3, VDI Fachmedien


Oberle, P., Stoffel, D., Walter, D., Kahles, G., Riester, K., Nestmann, F. (2018). Implementierung innovativer Wasserförder- und -verteilkonzepte in einer Gebirgsregion im Norden Vietnams. Wasserwirtschaft 4/2018, S. 31-37. 1

Hartmann, A., Luetscher, M., Wachter, R., Holz, P., Eiche, E., Neumann, T. (2018). Technical note: GUARD – an automated fluid sampler preventing sample alteration by contamination, evaporation and gas exchange, suitable for remote areas and harsh conditions. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 4281-4293.


Ender A, Göppert N, Goldscheider N (2018) Hydrogeological controls of variable microbial water quality in a complex subtropical karst system in Northern Vietnam. Hydrogeology Journal. Vol. 26 (7), S. 2297 – 2314.


Ender, A., Goeppert, N., Goldscheider, N. (2018). Spatial resolution of transport parameters in a subtropical karst conduit system during dry and wet seasons. Hydrogeology Journal. Vol. 26 (7), S. 2241 – 2255.



Zindler, B., Stolpe, H. (2017). Methodenhandbuch, FuEVerbundvorhaben KaWaTech, Teilprojekt 7. Fachlicher Schlussbericht  an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Institut für Umwelttechnik und Ökologie im Bauwesen. (Veröffentlichung in Planung, Bochumer Unviersitätsverlag).


Oberle, P., Stoffel, D., Walter, D., Breiner, R., Vogel, M., Müller, H. S., Nestmann, F. (2017). Innovative Technologien zur Wasserförderung und -verteilung in Gebirgsregionen. Bautechnik, Vol. 94, S. 514–525. doi:10.1002/bate.201700066

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Ender, A., Goeppert, N., Grimmeisen, F., Goldscheider, N. (2017). Evaluation of β-D-glucuronidase and particle-size distribution for microbiological water quality monitoring in Northern Vietnam. Sci Total Environ (2016),



Klingel, P.; Oberle, P. and Nestmann F. (2016): Innovative technologies for the sustainable water supply in a rural karst area of Vietnam. GWF Water Solutions, Ausgabe 2/2016, S. 38-43.


Oberle, P., Klingel, P., Nestmann, F. (2016). Development and Implementation of Karst Water Supply Technologies – The research and development project KaWaTech Vietnam. Asian Water, Ausgabe Juli/August 2016, S. 19-23.


Oberle, P., Stoffel, D., Fritz, J., Schmidt, S., Rösler, W., Nestmann, F. (2016). Development of sustainable water supply technologies by using pumps as turbines for the extension of existing hydro power plants. Tagungsband 3rd International Rotating Equipment Conference, Düsseldorf.

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Oberle P., Klingel P., Stoffel D., Kahles G., Van T.T., Chung H.T., Nestmann, F. (2015). Water supply in Karst areas, the example of the KaWaTech project, Ha Giang Province. Tagungsband International Symposium and Exhibition of Vietnam Water Cooperation Initiative, Water Security in a Changing Era, Hanoi, Vietnam.



Haist, M., Moffatt, J.S., Breiner, R., Müller, H.S. (2014). Entwicklungsprinzipien und technische Grenzen der Herstellung zementarmer Betone. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, Vol. 109, Nr. 3, 2014, S. 202-215.


Müller, H.S., Breiner, R., Moffatt, J., Haist, M. (2014). Design and properties of sustainable concrete. Procedia Engineering Vol. 95, 2014, S. 290-304.