Division of Hydrogeology (Hyd) - Prof. Dr. Nico Goldscheider
TP 2a: Water quality
In the KaWaTech project, the focus of TP2 was primarily on the characterization and quantification of water resources. During the six field trips, springs, surface and cave streams were mapped and the discharge, the chemical composition and the microbial water quality were examined. In addition, physicochemical parameters, for example such as temperature, pH and electrical conductivity were determined on site. These data served as the basis for the development of a hydrogeological conceptual model. Numerous tracer tests were carried out to obtain information about flow connections, flow velocities and other transport parameters, which also provided an important contribution to the hydrogeological conceptual model. At selected karst springs, water quality parameters were measured with high temporal resolution. It could be shown that springs are microbial highly contaminated with a strong temporal variability. In addition, turbidity and particle-size distribution were also measured for the evaluation of drinking water quality and abrasion risk on the technical facilities. For Dong Van and the surrounding area, a vulnerability map was produced, which illustrates the vulnerability of the karst aquifer to pollutants. This map makes an important contribution to the development of adapted water protection concepts.
Based on these investigations, KaWaTech Solutions will concentrate on ensuring the drinking water quality of Seo Ho's water supply system. Therefore the following results are intended:
- Characterization of the particle-size distribution with detailed information on their temporal variability in the karst aquifer and in the direct intake to the hydropower plant
- Assessment of the highly variable chemical and microbiological water quality in the karst aquifer and in the direct intake of the hydropower plant
- Investigations to define thresholds for the early warning system for microbial contamination and abrasion risk
- Investigations and determination of input parameters for drinking water treatment
- Delineation of the relevant karst catchment area for the protection of drinking water
- Delivery of an adapted vulnerability map for the catchment area, as an important component for a comprehensive water protection concept
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Prof. Dr. Nico Goldscheider
Former head of institute Subproject leader Phone: +49 (0)721 608-45465
Fax: +49 (0) 721 608-279
Email: nico.goldscheider∂kit.edu
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Dr. Nadine Göppert
Research assistant Project editor Phone: +49 (0)721 608-43280 Fax: +49 (0)721 608-279 Email: nadine.goeppert∂kit.edu |
Institute for Applied Geosciences
Division of Hydrogeology
Karlsruher Institute of Technology
Adenauerring 20b, Gebäude 50.40
Homepage of the institute: http://www.agw.kit.edu
Project information: http://www.agw.kit.edu/aktuelle_projekte_8437.php
Photo gallery: http://www.agw.kit.edu/Fotogalerie/KaWaTech%20solutions/index.php